Thursday, 24 September 2009

Finally we got first internet from the time we came back. It is better for our education. We can start doing daily blog form now. Cheers every body ^^

Monday, 21 September 2009

How can EF make more profit?

Nowadays education is the most important of life. Billions dollars is invested in education every year. People know if they don’t have good education, they won’t have good job and good life. Many investors know it is a great investment in this credit- crunch , so they try to use that profitable.
EF is one of them, but they are the oldest and longest group opened about 40 years ago. They have a lots experiences and agencies around the world. Each year, there are thousand students apply into EF ‘s courses. They have many kinds of courses, so students can choice them easily. For example, short-time they have English , exchange student, academy, foundation,…. Long-time is A-level, IB, university,… Their schools are in around the world: Oxford, Torquay, Cambridge, New York, Boston,… and hundred agencies in places which have high demand for education.
EF was opened a long time, but on the first time they only a group help students go to UK for studying and teaches English. Nowadays, their business is going up, so they have more trades. In those trades, they just a new member. They have to do a lot things to improve and competition.
They are doing many things to people know their reputation. There are advertising, discount, scholarship, hiring good teachers, building new school and residences, having good relationship with political power where they want to invest and where they are investing. I think the most important thing they can easy make more customers is have good image with their old students. They are from around the world and they tried EF ’s teaching, so they can introduce and invite their relatives and their friends to join EF program. That is free and very good way to have more customers.
Also they can have suggestion boxes which they can know their students complaints and know what bad things are happening. However, they need to solve that problem as quick as they can or non student will believe them any more.
They also invest in internet. Most of students want to have good internet to play game or search information/ new. There are many complaint EF’s wifi is slow. They can have separate wifi which students must pay and it is strong. I think many students want to have that and 5 or 10 pounds is no problem for them.
With long time courses like IB or A-level , they should help student find a suit universities and make them believe those have future. They shouldn’t think about themselves , for example only think how to increase their income as fast as they can, they should think about their students’ future. They should have close relationship with universities to help their students who want to apply to those universities. They also eliminate bad teachers to have better education environment.
My essay maybe not enough, but it is my opinion. I hope another students can comment to help it better. Thanks

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hurbank plc

Celton has a population of 7000 and an unemployment rate of 11 %. It isn't a high rate ,but when hurbank plc moved to China, that rate would be gone up so much because they have 3 factories in there.Nowadays, there are many companies want to move their factories to China or another developed countries because they have cheap worker price and cheap materials.That is making a difficult problem to developing countries. There are a lots workers lost their jobs and reduce those countries's GDP.
80% of all emplyees is a good rate because it made them control easily.They had high pay of factory floor staff :18000£ pa.3% of labour turnover pa is a low rate. The money which they paid for worker when they closed their factories is too low. There was only 35000£ total. It was almost 2 people pa.
The rate of unemployment in the region of the new factory in china is 14%.It is a low rate in a country has over 1 billion people. The money which they pay for new labour is lower than Cellton's labours 9 times.The costs to relocate and set up is £22 million and net present value of investment is £ 5.7 million, that is a big money.They had to prepare if they wouldn't want to have a problem with their cashflow.
Their sales revenue and net profit was increased with a big number. I think they shouldn't change their factories's location.If they want to have more profit, they can cut some group of products which have low profit and increase produce their strong products.For example they can can cut theit shirt production because It have low sales revenue and high fixed costs: £15000000.
We can see when they moved to China their variable cost is decreased and fixed costs is decreased as well.It makes break -even lower .The negative thing is they must pay more costs in delivery....haiz....


It is a simple produce, but it is a good a idea. It is suit for person who has to work with laptop a long time and usually move. The price is about 30 pounds, it equals small desk cost, but you can bring it to wherever you want. It is fashion and it looks like a bag when you hold on it. We can replace a small desk and hand-bag by this product.
In production, they can choose suitable material to have different price for different customers. There are many different tasty of customers so they can have a separate designer to design styles. It will make more cost ,but they will have more customer.
In selling, they can sign constract with shops and have show room to their products become popular...we can have more information by the video under...

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Nowadays, oil is a big problem. All costs depend on oil price so much.If there is a changing price, it will make another product price will be changed.For example, there is a 10p increasing oil price->produce cost increase-> product price goes up.
Oil is not unlimmited. We used it a long time, it will be over in one day in future. Scientists are looking for new fuel to replace, but now they are too expensive and not popular.
Green fuels are the best fuel to repalce for oil because they don't make pollution and we have them already.Israel is a country which produce a lots oil every year.If it goes first, I think it will make another countries follow.
Anyways, it will be a growth and popular industry in future.It a good idea. Now we can think it is a adventure, but when it grow up.I will be a high profitable business...