I think to make a selection of glove for football goalkeeper is difficult.We need many things to do that...Making 1 gloves for 1 need a lot of time and worker....We can't use machine ,so we must hide many workers ...It will make your price is higher than another product,but it is suitable for who want have it.Our products are handmade products so we can sell them like luxury thing..1 more thing make our products have problem is football goalkeepers usually use product of famous brand in the world...We can solve that problem by hiding a famous brand but it will make us spend a big money....Material for our product must be attach special because it is handmade product...We need a good material to produce and making sure after selling ,they won't be corrupted by mistake of producer...We can sell our product in sport shop ,but I think it is better if we advertise our products to our customers:goalkeepers.I think this business idea can be happened but it needs big fund and only famous brand can do that because they have experience and good workers ...=.=
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